After reaching the wildlife and wetlands centre I made my way to the 'Discovery Hide' to look at the Whooper Swans on the Mere. I used a Canon Powershot SX70HS Bridge Camera to make this photograph of the Whoopers on the waters of the Mere. The day was bright but overcast. The camera settings were f/5.6 at 1/1,000. Focal length 100.23mm. The camera picked out the distant birds against the water well and I was happy to get some detail of the feathers in the white areas of their bodies. The yellow of their beaks stood out against the background. Although it will never compete with a conventional DSLR and good long lens the Canon SX70HS is small, light and very adaptable, with DSLR styling, 20 megapixel resolution and a whopping 65x optical zoom.
Camera Labs did a good review of this camera in 2019:
The noise from the Whoopers was a delight, sadly something I cannot emulate in this still photograph.